Saturday, January 24, 2009

More Gym Practice

It's been a week so it is time for that intentional picture. That which does not kill you makes you stronger and I was already going to the gym today to watch CBT play basketball.  I hate taking pictures in the gym.  Maybe it would be better with a more specific goal.  Today it would be to catch the emotion of the game since getting those very crisp shots is still impossible for me in that low light, especially since I haven't settled on a monopod.  (That's on the list for this week.)

Here's what I came up with.

Even Kelby allowed for blur in exchange for action in his Digital Photography book.  (Highly recommended.  I just finished it and I understand what all the raving is about.)  This game got really rough.

The coach in the orange t-shirt is awesome.  He knows how to keep it fun and to really know these kids, ie, what makes them tick.  I was hoping to capture that relationship (and the slight smile CBT has).

I love his focus on the basket and his teammate's watching his every move.  On this particular team his teammates expect a lot of him.

He just has such great facial expressions.  

Maybe one day practice will make perfect, but those lenses sure do help.  That 2.8 aperture sure blurs that background every time.

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