Looked pretty good on the small screen, but on the computer screen you can tell his eyes are perfectly in focus. Still have lots of work to do.
As an aside, loaded Photoshop tonight. Boy, is that overwhelming. I also just noticed the colors aren't quite the same here as they were in Ps. Never noticed that before with Lightroom....hmm. Maybe Gretchen will weigh in and let us know if she's ever heard of that before.
First - this expression is you.
Second, I've always had color deterioration when I go from raw to a jpeg suitable for uploading to blogger. it's a bummer.
I like this one a lot! He reminds me so much of my Kevin. What a cutie pie!
Molly, are you post processing before converting to jpeg? You may already know this and so I'm sorry if I'm giving unnecessary information, but you have to post process if going from raw to jpeg.
The reason is that your camera finishes the photo if it processes it to a jpeg, but it leaves that finish work to you if it is making a raw file. The negative to raw is that everything you shoot needs that extra pop in order to print it or use it.
What I didn't get and someone explained to me is why it looks good on the back of the camera when you take it. They said that it's showing you what it will look like finished even if you're shooting in raw. But when you download it, you lose saturation, etc.
Sorry if I'm giving you what you already know. I've started shooting in raw/jpeg combined when doing a shoot. That way I can choose what to post process. PP everything was becoming a drag.
It actually has to do compression and Blogger. I had the same problem. I notice a difference as well when I use PS for post processing.
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